ChurchDeLuxe Winter Edition: "Snow Rider" by Patrick Janicke

The Preacherman decides to take out his snowboard and go down the pipe of his Vertical Motorhome. A winter scene from "Luxe & The Preacherman", the Illustrated Novel by Patrick von Jänicke. ChurchdeLuxe, the Vertical Motor Home is persistently moving up that hill , against all obstacles or recessions.

Detailed close ups of "Snow Rider" by Patrick Janicke:

Commercial Production Illustration using Maya and Photoshop

In another collaboration Production Illustrator Patrick Jänicke created set illustrations for production designer Johan Le Tenoux. Patrick built a 3D model of a set and rendered it using Maya. Finally he composited the Lexus LFA into his rendering using photoshop.
See Patrick Janicke's illustration and the final commercial on TV or YouTube!

This is the pursuit of perfection!

Red Dawn - conceptual previz design

Bringing illustrations to life by building a CG model and animating a camera through it helps the production designer (Dominic Watkins) get an idea of the set before it is actually built.

White Gold - Concept Design & Conceptual Architecture

What tools to use as a contemporary commercial artist ?
Designsfiction - Episode 68: Using professional 3D software
such as Autodesk's Maya for design pre-visualization in the entertainment industry.

Production Designer Andrew Reznik hired concept artist Patrick Janicke to help design the fantastic city "Milkquarious"for "White Gold" milk commercials.
Here are some samples of Patrick Janicke's ideas for quasi retro futuristic and humorous city planning.
This is an example of production illustrator Patrick Janicke's computer generated 3D environments.
For traditional 2D drawings, film production illustrations and photoshopped concept art; go to
Recent preproduction movie art work also at
Click on this designsfiction blog title to go to the White Gold website and watch the ad movie "Battle for Milkquarious" featuring the final maybe less serious (?) design.