3D set design using Maya - by Patrick Janicke

These are some rendered still images showing the benefit of building a three dimensional computer model to explore a fictional design - a design of fiction ;-)
Depending on your clients needs and objectives a digital model provides all kinds of pre-production and pre-visualization options.
Such as:
- You can have intimately lit perspective views evoking the mood and feeling of actually being in the space.
- You can generate flat plan or elevation views which give exact dimensional information to those who need to build the set in reality (set designers, art directors, carpenters etc..).
Note the different appeal of the 3D set with and without the application of detailed texture maps.
Posted with discretion by designsfiction.com's designer Patrick Janicke.

Fameland - Metabella's Rolls Royce

Fantastic concept vehicle design and CG model by Hollywood concept artist, L.A based German artist , the INS named him "artist of extraordinary ability" Patrick von Janicke - patrick@productionillustration.com

Decades after TRON

Here's new Hollywood pop art 3D work in progress: Using Maya Ray Tracing for beautiful reflections on these simple race cars.


..to be continued!

Water Tunnel

music by Goldfrapp, electronic music video art by Patrick Janicke

architectural design and previsualisation

Patrick von Janicke - previsualization of experimental architecture

SPEED RACER - Movie Race Car Design

Some of the many exciting new race car designs by Patrick Janicke for the Wachowski Brothers' SPEED RACER movie.
Patrick Janicke's concept designs to be revealed as the SPEED RACER release date approaches.

production design and illustration

production illustration has its original site with lots of art work from all the movies since STARGATE at http://www.productionillustration.com